Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The human eye is like a camera and it is often described as the most advanced digital camera in the world. The eyes may also be the first organ to show the presence of certain diseases in some parts of the body.

The elastic nature of the eye begins to loose when you grow older and become relatively a solid mass, a condition known as presbyopia. The eyes are more or less permanently focused when this condition arises and may no longer be able to see objects from far and near. This is the reason why the elderly ones wear glasses with bifocal lenses. The stronger power for close vision is the lower portion of the glasses, while the upper lens makes it possible for the person to see more freely at a distance.

There are various infection that can affect the eye. One of them is Syphilis which can also lead to blindness if not properly treated. Sometimes the optic nerves may be injured because of high blood pressure or hardening of the arteries and this can prevent rays of light from reaching the rod and cone cell of these nerves.
some of the conditions of the eyes are:
- cataract
- glaucoma
- trachoma
- acute conjunctivitis
- eyelid infection
- astigmatism
- color blindness
-inflamed or watery eye
- blinking and frowning
- covering of one eye so that the other may see

If you detect that you are suffering from any of the listed condition it is better for you to seek expert advise when it can be easily treated before it gets out of hand.

If you are suffering of this problem that require the use of glasses or contact lenses which one will you choose? Before you answer the question first read the article to the end and decide which one to go for. It depends on the individual and the type of eye infectious or problems the individual has.

Glasses are good, and contact lenses are not bad either. It all depends on the individual and type of eye infectious or problem the individual has.

Contact lenses which are now in vogue have certain disadvantages compared to eye glasses. No one that will use this modern eye technology must observe certain precautions daily rules and regulation. If the person does not want to compound his/her problems.

It is easier to use eye glasses than contact lenses because eye glasses does not require special treatment or instruction to observe before it can be use unlike contact lenses where certain factors must be seriously considered before prescribing them for people with eye problem.
Eye glasses are easier to use and people don't react to them unlike contact lenses. The truth is that anyone that use contact lenses must also have eyeglasses as back up.

Some develop allergic reaction to contact lenses and these are often precipitated by the chemical solution used in cleaning the lenses.

Observation showed that many young girls and ladies in the name of fashion and looking good use contact lenses simply because of ego. This can cause more eye problem. why the use of something that you do not need. Your health is of paramount importance to you than fashion. only when you can see that you can know if people appreciate your physical look out.
In fixing contact lenses strict hygiene must be observed, nails and fingers must be neat/clean at all times when fixing it.

-Contact lenses is more expensive than eye glasses
-It require special training from the doctor
-It require special storage to prevent infectious by micro-organism.

Unlike eye glasses which:

-does not need special training by the doctor
-can be used for a long period of time
-the lens can be change when they are weak. touching of eye ball all the time is not require when -using it.

There was an old man of about seventy years old who has been using eye glasses to read. But all of a sudden he stop using the glasses and read with is naked natural eye. When asked what is secret was. This is his answer:
Click Here!

Fever: Body's immune mchanisms to perceived threat inside the body

Sometimes we experience an increase in the body internal temperature to a level above normal. This is called fever. It is not a disease, fever is considered one of the body's immune mechanisms to attempt a neutralization of a perceived threat inside the body. be it bacterial or viral. It is the body response to disease be it bacterial or viral.

The measurement of normal human body temperature is 36.8±0.7 °C (98.2±1.3 °F). This means that any oral temperature between 36.1 and 37.5 °C (96.9 and 99.5 °F) is likely to be normal.There are different kind of illness associated with fever and people often confused them each other. It is better if we have better understanding of illness associated to fever in order to differentiate them.

The following are the illness associated with fever together with their signs/symptoms

-temperatures rises quickly
-cough with green, yellow or bloody mucus
- fast shallow breathing
-person feel very ill

-It begins like cold
-pulse is relatively slow
-can experience diarrhea and dehydration
-temperature goes a little up everyday
-person feel very ill

-It begins with feeling weak
-cold and shivering as the temperature rises
-the persons feel well the days in between
-it occasionally gives fever every second or third day
-fever may continue up and down for several days
-sweating as temperature fall and shivering as it rises again

Rheumatic Fever
-it is common in children
-pains in joint
-high fever and sometimes chest pain
-uncontrolled movement of arms and legs
-often comes after a sore throat

Children fever
it begins a day or more after child birth
-start with a slight fever
pain and sometimes bleeding
-foul sucking vaginal

-it is similar to typhoid
-rash similar to that of measles
-with tiny bruises

By having knowledge of this signs/symptoms it will be easy to easy find solution to these illnesses. Remember self medication is not good always seek expert advice.


Infectious diseases are the diseases caused by pathogens which invade the body and grow and multiply in the tissues.

are parasites which cause disease. They are often referred to as germs. These are organisms that lives on or in another living organism. most pathogens are micro-organism, commonly viruses,bacteria,protozoa, and fungi.

are so small that they cannot be seen with naked eyes or/and ordinary microscope but need the use of an electron microscope. They show only some of the property of life and can be crystallized into what appears to be a non-living form. They can only live and reproduce withing living cells, and cause a number of diseases in plants and animals. After infecting the host cell the virus uses the cell to produce new virus particles. The host cell usually get killed in the process.

Bacteria are minute organisms which are found everywhere, but it is impossible to see them without the use of microscope. Each bacterium is a single cell but lacks a definite nucleus and chlorophyll. Substances necessary for life are absorbed through the cell wall and unwanted substances excreted through the same route.

Bacteria are classified according to shape:
- Cocci are spherical
some occur singly
some in pairs- diplococci(cause gonorrhea, meningitis)
some form chains- streptococci(cause scarlet fever)
some form clusters- staphylococci(cause boils, food poisoning)

-bacilli are rod shaped- caused typhoid, tetanus, tuberculosis, diphtheria

-Vibrois are curved- caused cholera.

Protozoa are minute unicellular animals, each having a nucleus. Most are harmless to man, but few are pathogenic.
Amoeba dysentery is caused by various species of plasmodium.

Fungi are simple plants which lack chlorophyll. The group includes yeast, moulds and mushrooms. A few microscopic fungi can cause skin diseases include ringworm, athletes foot and thrush.


Infectious diseases can be spread through the following method:
1. Contact- by touching an infected person or an articles that has been contact with an infected person. These are called contagious diseases, and they include many skin diseases such as scabies, ringworm, and smallpox.

2. Droplet Infection- diseases of the respiratory tract are usually spread in this way e.g common cold and influenza. When an infected person speaks, coughs or sneezes minute droplets containing germs are released into the air which may then be inhaled by another person.

3. Contaminated Food- food can get contaminated during preparation by germs from an infected person, or flies, or dust and dirt. it may cause disease of the digestive tract e.g typhoid, and salmonella food poisoning.

4. Contaminated Water- drinking contaminated water can spread intestinal diseases. some bacteria can live for days or weeks in water. Sewage disposal and water supply should be separate to avoid contamination. Untreated water should be boiled to prevent typhoid, cholera, and amoebic dysentery.

5. Human Carrier- These are people that are infected with pathogen but not affected by them( they have immunity to it). They may not be aware that they are harboring the disease and mix freely with other people, who might contact the diseases in the process.

6. Insect Vectors- these are insects which spread diseases
- by carrying germs externally on their feet and bodies e.g houseflies carry germs from rubbish dump to food.
- by carrying the germs internally and transmitting them to the human when they pierce the skin to suck blood e.g mosquito, tsetse fly e.t.c

If you are suffering of any diseases and you will like a complete health guide to self healing, turning your kitchen and fridge items into safe and powerful home remedies for all illness
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Thanks for taking time out to read my articles. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment. Watch out for part II of this topic

Monday, May 18, 2009


It is not a new thing to see a wife vying for divorce due to various reason ranging from lack of understanding, low income that makes it difficult to meet the financial requirement in the family and the likes. But one of them is the inability of the husband to satisfy his wife sexual urge.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his partner's needs, inability to produce consistent or maintain an erection of the penis sufficient to have a sexual intercourse.

It is a serious health problem that is capable of breaking marriages. study also shows that ED often precede and predicts heart diseases.. Study also shows that men with type 2 diabetes erectile dysfunction may be an early symptom o a looming heart attack.

The experts said that men with diabetes were twice as likely as others men without diabetes to develop heart diseases, attributing this to the fact that the root cause of both erectile dysfunction and heart attack is blood vessel damage caused by high blood sugar level. High blood sugar level could lead to inflammation on the inner surface of blood vessels which could lead to atherosclerosis, the hardening and furring up of both heart arteries and of those supplying blood to the penis. The risk factors to be watch by both the patient and the health personnel are:
- poor blood glucose control
- coronary heart diseases
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol level
- smoking and obesity should be reviewed and addressed aggressively

There are two main factors that usually caused erectile dysfunction:
a. The presence of serious ailments like diabetes
b. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

Excessive consumption of sugary foods and alcohol might lead to diabetes which can also affect the sexual organ to the extent of losing the ability to sustain erection for a long period of time. This might also result in heart diseases.

Most men suffer from STD's which have ended up destroying their libidos. A sexual disease like staph.aureau is a known destroyer of the sexual organ.

Normally a healthy man with full potency should be able to have erection at least three times daily. If a man sleeps, an erection should be the first thing to wake him up. if a man does not experienced an erection when a naked woman paraded before him there is truly a problem. Even a pope or sheikh must experienced erection seeing a naked woman.

Apart from erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation is another problem that needs to be take note of. This is the persistent or recurrent onset of orgasm and ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, on , or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it. For person to be classified has having premature ejaculation the condition must caused marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. There is no clear time limit associated with PE. Most simply put' if you ejaculate too quickly and if this conditions bother you, it is likely that you have PE. Seek professional help to correct the problem.

In some instances PE can be side effect of erectile dysfunction. In other words the anxiety associated with not being able to maintain an erection can often lead to a habit of early ejaculation. However when a man is able to have normal erections, premature ejaculation may be caused by physical and psychological problems.
In case of the physical problem it might be as a result of "over sensitivity". In this case the the man responds more rapidly to normal sensation resulting in rapid ejaculation much sooner than he expected.
On the other hand psychological problem is often associated with "performance anxiety". Anxiety relating to sexual intercourse, leading to increases tension and usually PE. Men may actually avoid sex because they fear not able to satisfy their partner. This can cause further difficulties in the relationship or make it difficult for him find a partner.

You can only be a man if you can satisfy your partner sexual urge. So if you are suffering from this problem or you know someone that has this problem, i advised that you should take quick action by seeking solution to this problem from the experts. The word is now in the age of over the air information if you feel shy to see a doctor physical by not wanting your identity to be discover. There are so many of them on the net. There is one that i can recommend. How will you like to treat this disease in a natural way without pills, cream, lotion or potion. You can check this site if you like.
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The cold, dry and dirty air blew into the room. This had blown throughout the night,thus leaving the whole room dusty and the occupants shivering. One, in fact, had already started coughing. before the break of the dawn, this cough had advanced into wheezing. The invader had triggered an Asthma attack.

Asthma is a disease that affects the airways; that is, the small tubes which carry air in and out of the lungs. The lungs of anyone with this disease become swollen and sensitive to various triggers. An asthma attack is a reaction to trigger. Like any other chronic disease, asthma affects all races and is slightly more common among African-Americans than other races.It also affects all ages, but has more of younger people as its victims. More boys have this attack than girls, but after puberty, this disease is more common in females.

According to a doctor of alternative medicine practice and specializes in herbal and homeopathic medicine and magnet therapy "when any of the factors that trigger asthma is inhaled, it causes phlegm (whitish mucus) which covers the lungs. and when this polluted oxygen that gets into the blood stream through the lungs, it causes an attack".

Asthma attacks can be traced to many factors, but hereditary, environmental and occupational factors are the most common.

This disease is common in some families whereby it is passed from parent to there offspring. Exposure to polluted environment can spur the attack of asthma. Common pollutants are tobacco, dry and dusty air, pollen from flowers, viral and bacterial infection, cold, dry weather and also cold air.

A regular intake of air which has been polluted through the production of products like cement, sawdust and tobacco in factories can cause asthma. It is observed that each person with asthma has his own unique set of triggers. Most triggers caused attach in some people and not in others.

Inhaling respiratory irritants such as perfumes, cleaning products, emotional excitement or stress, physical exertion, additives to some food and wine, menstrual in some women, hay fever and eczema are other factors that can trigger asthma.

According to research when the breathing passage becomes irritated or infected, an attack is triggered. The attack may come suddenly or slowly over several days or hours. The main symptoms that signal the attack are wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, coughing and difficulty in speaking. These symptoms may occur during the day or at night. And if at night it disturbs sleep.

Wheezing is the most common symptoms of attack. this could be musical or also reflect as whistling or come in form of hissing with heavy breathing. Not all asthmatic patient wheeze, and not all that wheeze are asthmatic.

Attack are usually classified as mild, moderate or severe. This assessment is based on several factors which include: symptoms severity and duration, degree of airway obstruction and extent to which the attack is interfering with regular activities.

and moderate attacks usually involve some symptoms which come on gradually include chest tightness, coughing or spitting up mucus, restlessness or trouble sleeping and wheezing.

Severe attacks are less common and they may involve symptoms as breathlessness, difficulty in talking,tightness in neck muscles, slight Grey or bluish color in the eye and fingernails, skin appearing sucked in around the rib cage.

Some believe that asthma cannot be cured, but can be controlled. There is a better chance of controlling asthma if it is discover at it early stage and treatment begins immediately. And some children actually grow out of it.

In treatment of asthma medication such as Ventolin inhaler,Franol Linatredincin are taken for mild and moderate attacks while severe attack will require the administration of Aminipholin (IV) which has to be given by an experienced doctor every 10 minutes.

Taken of cough mixture during the attack is very wrong because it can cause inflammation of the lungs and sometimes exhaustion.

If you noticed that you have any of the symptoms listed try and seek expert service because this disease is deadly. To give it the chance to take control of your life. It is good to live the life that you want and not the disturbing one of breathlessness, restlessness, coughing, wheezing, sleeplessness e.t.c. Remember that health is wealth. Your healthful life is of paramount value to you act fast.

If you don't know any to consult you can click on the link below. i think Susan Miller have something for you. check her out and see the difference.
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